The Complete Banjo Buying Guide

Are you ready to buy your first banjo? Congratulations! You are starting a wonderful journey that will bring you happiness. So, to make your journey easy, here’s The Complete Banjo Buying Guide. 

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to upgrade, this article is packed with all the information you need when buying a banjo. We’ll explore different styles and designs, all the important features, and tell you exactly what to look for in your new instrument. Let’s begin!

The Complete Banjo Buying Guide

Buying the perfect banjo is challenging. But with this Complete Banjo Buying Guide, it will be much easier to decide on the right one. So, let’s know everything.

What to Consider When Buying a Banjo


The first thing to consider when buying a banjo is your budget. Banjos range in price from entry-level models to professional-grade instruments. Since beginners will want a durable and playable instrument, they should choose a model that falls into the intermediate price range.


Next up is size. Banjos come in four standard sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and five-string. Naturally, you’ll want one that fits your body size for comfortable playing, so check the dimensions of each banjo before committing to one. From there, you’ll need to decide on an open or closed back for your instrument; both have unique sound characteristics. And finally, consider whether you’ll need extra accessories—such as strings, picks, or tuners—to complete your setup.

Now you know what factors to consider when buying a banjo. So let’s delve deeper into researching and selecting one that suits your needs!

Different Types of Banjos and Their Features

Knowing the different types and features they offer is essential if you’re looking to buy a banjo. 

5-string open-back banjo

The most common type is the 5-string open-back banjo. This has five strings, a round resonator in the back for projecting sound, and a long neck with a fretboard. It also has a wooden rim covered with animal skin and can produce loud and clear music.

4-string banjo

The other type is the 4-string banjo, designed primarily for jazz. This one also comes with an open-back resonator. But it substitutes one of the strings from the 5-string version for a guitar string. As a result, you usually don’t get as many tunings on this one as on the 5-string banjo.

Electric banjo

Finally, there’s the electric banjo. It features pickups that allow plugging directly into an amplifier, giving the banjo sound more power and volume. This is perfect for those who want to play rock or bluegrass music on their instrument.

Understanding the Different Components of a Banjo

Different components of banjo include:- 

  • The neck is a long piece of wood that holds all the strings together and is essential for accurate playing. 
  • The head is a round piece of plastic or wood at the end of the neck that houses the strings and tuning keys. 
  • The bridge holds all the strings in place and dictates how they’re spaced out and interact with one another when plucked. 
  • Finally, the fretboard wraps around the neck, giving you markers to map your notes.

Tips for Buying a Quality Banjo

So, you’re ready to buy a banjo, but where do you start? Here are some tips for picking out a quality banjo.

  • Check the neck.

The neck is the most important part of the banjo. Ensure it’s straight, and there’s no play in the strings when they are fretted. In addition, you want a neck that feels comfortable and gives a good tone.

  • Look for quality components.

While price can indicate quality, that’s not always the case. Inspect each component, from the tuners to the bridge and strings. Cheap parts can cause tuning issues and impact your sound, so going for quality here is essential.

  • Avoid mass-made banjos

Mass-produced banjos are lower quality than handmade ones, so avoid these if you want something that looks and sounds excellent. Handmade ones tend to use better materials and are often more reliable too. This option is worth considering if you want to pay more for an exceptional product.

  • Play it before you buy.

Play before you buy, no matter how good it looks on paper or in pictures! You won’t know how it sounds until you’ve taken it home and played it yourself. And there’s nothing worse than being disappointed by your purchase after all your hard work researching! So, if at all possible, try before you buy.

Where to Find the Best and Most Affordable Banjos

There are mainly two ways through which you can get your desired banjo:-

  • Online

You should begin your hunt for the ideal banjo on the internet. In addition to having the best selection of various banjo styles and sizes, internet retailers are typically much more cost-effective. Many websites provide free shipping and refund policies, further simplifying the process. Additionally, numerous websites with evaluations and ratings from other customers are devoted to assisting people in finding the ideal instrument for their requirements.

  • Local Shops

If you want to look at different banjos before buying one, visit local music stores or specialty shops specializing in stringed instruments. The advantage of shopping locally is getting hands-on experience with the instrument before deciding. Not only that, but many music shops will also offer repair services and instructional classes.

Well, if you plan to buy a violin, here’s the Violin Buying Guide For Beginners


We hope our article, The Complete Banjo Buying Guide, will help you to get the right one. So when there’s plenty to know, from materials to tuning, go through it well when selecting the best banjo for your needs. 

Also, different combinations of wood and materials used for each component help create different sounds and playability for each banjo. So take some time to examine what materials you think would suit your playing best!

Photo of author

Jr. Robert A. Plant

Hey there! I'm Jr. Robert A. Plant, an artist, blogger and reviewer who's absolutely in love with the world of music. I have a knack for reviewing music gear, sharing my thoughts and insights at Raisingsand FX. When I'm not exploring gear, you'll find me lost in the creative process of writing songs. Music is my passion, and I'm here to inspire and touch lives through my artistic journey.

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